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(22/34) 29 - jedit.cmd Startup not working with Innotek Sun Java 1.4.2-05

jedit.cmd Startup not working with Innotek Sun Java

OS/2-startup-cmd jedit.cmd is not working with Innotek
Sun JRE 1.4.2-05.

The line:

return iMajor\*100 + iMid \* 10 + iMinor;

returns an arithmetric conversion error because iMinor
is "2-05", so 1\*100 + 4\*10 + 2-05 is not calculable\!

Change this line to:

return iMajor\*100 + iMid \* 10 + left(iMinor,1);

Submitted *anonymous - 2005-04-11 20:50:44 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None
